available for weddings, birthday parties, and soundgoodizer cult sacrifices

About Me + Manifesto

Hi !! My name's Chip (or Kember), and I'm a jerboa on the internet! I'm a multimedia artist with an interest in music production, theoretical physics, and 4-dimensional geometry :3

I love the internet because it's a place where you can be yourself without the consequence of identity of real life. I come here to have fun and be who I want to be, 'cause sometimes the real world sucks ass! Unfortunately, more and more of that freedom has been drained away by trillionaire social media corporations that try to keep you addicted to their sites for as long as possible.

Which is why I came here! I made this website because it feels nice having an online space that I can make completely my own, as well as one that doesn't rely on big, fragile, money-grabbing websites to put myself on. Like if Neocities dies somehow, nothing is lost cuz I have all the code for this site on my PC!

Thanks for visiting !!!!